
I’m in recovery mode.

Recovering from international travel. While I didn’t suffer from jet lag, there is a return to “normal life” transition that has to take place as the gears get switched. From traveling daily with a large group of people, eating on a different schedule with different ingredients, and long days on a bus, in the heat, and sleeping in hotels … back to work, my own smoothies, and my own pillow!! And now processing all we did and saw and experienced. It seems a bit unreal in light of normal life!

Recovery from the trauma of grief and loss.

This, of course, will be an ongoing process of months and years. At times surreal and other times raw and wretched. Today is my first day of unplanned time since my mom left us on October 16. I have a day to do nothing if I do choose. 90 percent of the Saturday’s for the past several years involved going to see her, running errands for her, going out to lunch with her, picking up groceries for her, going on scenics with her.

This past Thursday I had to go to Sedro-Woolley to sign a paper and get a massage. As I came down Cook Road the snow geese caught my eye and tears poured down. We loved seeing the snow geese in our scenics in the fall.

Normally I would have then gone to get her and do any of the above with her. Or might have taken a nap at her house. But her house is empty and she’s not there wondering what time I said I’d be there. She’s not confused about why someone would pay good money to get a Massage. She’s not anticipating my arrival. She wasn’t holding her hairbrush in her hand when I walked through the door, saying “check my bald spot”. There was no envelope laying on the coffee table with my name written in felt tip marker with a heart over the i, filled with her bills, newspaper clippings, obituaries or sales gimmicks.

There was just an echo as I said “mommy mommy mommy why”. And I turned and left with my shattered heart.

And today I will do the mundane things that need to be done when one is recovering from travel and death. I will read the letter from the lawyer and gather the proper documents. I will pay bills and sort through papers. I will go to Whole Foods and buy almond butter. I may walk with my son at the harbor. I will work on my art as I am the featured artist this week if all weeks. I will prepare my demonstration of Petals as Paints for next Saturday when I also have no date with my mom.

Recovering daughter.


Welcome Back Autumn

The winds of change are blowing

Leaves tumble and twirl in delight

Autumn arrives with a wet kiss on summer’s cheek

Refreshing the earth, the air, my soul

Days darken sooner with a refreshing coolness

Night lingers longer with a crispness in the morning breeze

Welcome back Autumn!


Sanity Returns

Muddled vision blurred by irrational thoughts and ideas replaced with sparkling Clarity

The gears slow to an even rhythm

The whirring and whizzing of rapidly changing thoughts reach a steady state

Rapid fire words and reactions and emotions ride an even keel of tempered conversations and deep thought

Images and frequencies normalize into reality

Like dials in a sound booth the knobs of medication and sleep and therapy fine tune and gradually remove the static and noise

The artifacts of stimulation and simulation and wild random churning waves are refined into coherent and rational thoughts and ideas

Turning the corner. Changing the tidal wave of anger and betrayal into deep loving gracious waves of thankfulness

We all breathe deeply again

Tension releases

Eggshells are swept away

Gracious forgiveness

Sanity Returns

Praise God


Morning Visitors 

Cool morning breeze lifts the wings of a solitary hawk. On the hunt he flies and suddenly rolls to his left then upright again then rolls left once more as he calls out to his prey and disappears into the horizon never to return. 
Hummingbird flits from branch to branch calling out to his friends who return his chortling, suddenly taking flight to race across the morning sky together and disappear into the horizon only to return. 
Blue jay takes flight from unseen places and appears upon the fence post in complete silence. He hops along the fence until he disappears never to return.