How’s Your Spirit?

if I ask someone, “How’s your spirit?” and they answer with anything besides what I always said, “My spirit is great!”, would I know what to say or do? What would the person do who asked me that question?

How Is Your Spirit?

During a recent very unexpected illness which led to an extended stay in the local hospital I was asked repeatedly, “How is your pain?”, “How is your appetite?”, “Have you had a fever?”, and many questions that shall remain undisclosed.  

After my release I had several follow up appointments and home care.  At a couple of visits the same questions were repeated, but time a twist.  “How is your spirit?” 

That caught me off guard.  No one ever inquires of my spirit.  I never inquire of anyone’s spirit.  When I say, “How’s it going?” or “How you doin’?”, do I expect any answer besides, “Fine”?

I work in health care.  Often when I check in with my patient and ask, “How are you doing?”, I mean, “are you comfortable, is there anything I can do to help get you settled?”  Once in awhile I hear a response of, “I’m doing great, how are you doing?”  And again, it catches me off guard because at that moment I am the caregiver, not expecting anyone to be the least interested in my condition.

Our mind, our body, and our spirit are all connected.  If one is out of balance the rest is as well.  When someone is suffering from pain, loss, or stress, it affects how they think, how they feel physically, and how they are coping spiritually. 

On the other hand, when there is a joyful occasion or anticipated happiness, something to look forward to, the aches and pains are often reduced.  The mind becomes content or excited.  The spirit is positive and encouraged. 

Things like unexpected illness or tragedy profoundly affect our spirit.  That internal place of peace, joy, kindness, love, and hope can be deeply troubled.  My spirits were lifted with each text and inquiry from family and friends on how I was doing and what was happening.    

From my hospital room window, I could see my co-workers and patients coming and going as I had a clear view of the parking lot of where I work.  There was one day where I was feeling like I would never return to “normal” life and it was discouraging but the care I received was absolutely treasured.  Each encounter made a positive impact during my stay.

Now I wonder, if I ask someone, “How’s your spirit?” and they answer with anything besides what I always said, “My spirit is great!”, would I know what to say or do?  What would the person do who asked me that question?  Are they prepared to counsel me, to encourage me, or to get me the help I would need?  If I were to ask that question, what would be my response to, “I am so depressed”?  or “I feel lost”. 

I pray that I am prepared to come along side anyone who is low in spirit and I pray that if I ask you, “How’s your spirit?” that through me the Lord would give you comfort if needed. 

So, how is your spirit?