Let spring win

Lapping waves splash playfully against the sides of boats in the harbor. Gently swaying in the constant current.

Flapping wings of a manic duck skipping over the gentle ripples

Seagulls in tandem catching wind currents up then down then up again soaring and swooping as they chuckle to each other

Islands outlined in misty thin layers of low hanging clouds in an otherwise pale blue winter sky. Frosted hilltops surround the bay in tantalizing crisp white layers

Hazy Sunlight filters as the horizon pulls the yellow ball ever toward the edge of the sea and the days lengthen almost imperceptibly a minute at a time

Frosted morning now forgotten as winter pulls hearts toward spring.


Author: belindabotzong

I am a writer of historical fiction currently working on a novel based in Washington State from the years of 1900-1945. I love to write poetry and prose inspired by Creation, as well as share in life's journey through grief, mental illness, and travel. I am very blessed to be able to pursue my passion of writing, creating, and sharing my thoughts here.

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