Nature's Symphony 

Dappled light of sunrise changes shadows to shimmers on the gently swaying leaves. A hummingbird flits from branch to branch playing his staccato notes of joy like a percussion instrument in natures symphony. The flutes of the songbirds join in with soprano and the crow plays baritone. A red breasted robin suddenly appears on stage from her hiding place under the elderberry bush. Worm in beak she quickly jitterbugs across the garden taking refuge amongst the hydrangeas to enjoy her wiggling feast. A lone honeybee adds his hum to the procession of natures musicians as he feeds on the nectar and fragrance of fully bloomed lavender and roses and daisies with a twist of raspberry. 

Author: belindabotzong

I am a writer of historical fiction currently working on a novel based in Washington State from the years of 1900-1945. I love to write poetry and prose inspired by Creation, as well as share in life's journey through grief, mental illness, and travel. I am very blessed to be able to pursue my passion of writing, creating, and sharing my thoughts here.

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