Evoking Memories—Skagit Fields

The pre-dawn coolness of summer breezes evokes memories of long ago. Waiting along the gravel shoulder of Minkler Road for the berry or cucumber bus to pick us up for another day under the hot blazing sun picking strawberries or buckets full of perfect cukes. Bicycles well-hidden in the field at the corner of Fruitdale Road. The musty, rattling bus ride to the far fetched fields. The sight of Mr. Garcia with his casted arm assigning rows to each kid, mine the opposite end of the same row as my brother. The wet feeling of dew covered berry leaves and the vivid smell of damp earth in the sunrise. Brown paper bag lunches of bologna sandwiches and Fritos corn chips and tiny cone shaped cups of water drained from the orange water jug spout. The mid day heat beating down as we crawled along row after row filling our yellow flats with ripened (or even over-ripened) berries just to get another filled. Or the back breaking walk down the row of prickly cucumber vines throwing the prickly cukes quickly into another white five-gallon bucket, the steel wire handle clanking over and over as we made our way down the row. Or the damp drizzly days with mud caked fingers stiffened like the knees of your jeans. Slugs hidden beneath the berry leaves feasting on your work.

The chatter of the migrant workers Spanish and the Mexican boys who made a point of carrying our buckets for us because we were “muchacha Bonita.” The radios playing the latest hits — Peter Frampton or Three Dig Night, or Rolling Stones. The news that Elvis died pouring a blanket of sorrow as some sat upon their cuke buckets in mourning.

The punch cards to keep track of our progress stained with dirty sticky fingerprints. The outhouse and another sip of cool water.

Sherry Black racing down the row at a furious pace as Berry fights erupted when the boys got bored or too sassy. The nervous feeling of getting your row checked and getting sent down to repeat the same row because your tired little body wasn’t paying attention. Watching cars go down the nearby highway and counting the white ones to pass the time. The Geertsma boys carrying buckets because they were kind enough to realize your eight year old body couldn’t handle the task.

The swoop and rise of the crop duster covering nearby fields with their pungent load of pesticides or fertilizers.

The long awaited whistle to announce the end of picking for the day brings relief to my weary, dirt covered berry stained and sweaty body and I head quickly to the bus to get a front seat so I don’t get sick on the way home.

Soaking our hands in bleach water to remove the deeply set stains and cleaning our dirt filled fingernails. Taking out our dirty pony tails and watching the crud float around us in the bathtub.

Memories of my childhood in the Skagit Valley.



Love as deep as the ocean


Love as vast as the sky


Love as abundant as air


Love as infinite as the sands of the earth


Love as wide as the world


Perfect, plentiful, unconditional

Jesus loves me this I know

For all creation tells me so


God’s Studio

Famed artist makes a local visit

Splashing vivid tones across the landscape

A dizzying array

A wild frenzy

A fantastic display

Gradients and bold, bright hues

Shades of pink and yellow, orange and blue

Matching and contrasting

Grass, trees and sky

Filling my garden and pleasing my eye

That glorious creator of color

Blossoms and blooms

Frantically bless our senses

Delightful and delicious to behold

His creative hand and eye at work

In His studio called Spring!


Perfect Spring Morning

Blossoms and buds


Brilliant red rhodie

Perfect pink peony

Bright blue rock seed

Orange and yellow with purple splashes fill out spring’s palette

Trills and tweets

Twitters and sweet whistles

Carrying tunes of joyful birds on wafts of morning breezes

As they gather pieces of nesting treasures

Coolness ahead of summer-like days

Saltwater fragrances fill the sky covered in a thick marine layer

Awaiting the big reveal of sunshine blue skies


Reflection Perfection

In a shadow

Sun set stretches her thin along a path

In a pond

Ripples reflect the skewed expression

In a mirror

Reveal the flaws hidden in her skin, her hair

In a window

Reality distorted peering back

In his eyes



Music of Spring

Finch plays her piccolo

Flicker on percussion

Robins join in soprano trills

Hummingbird with her metronome

Bees buzz in perfect harmony

Sparrows round out the symphony in melodious notes

Tones and tunes in perfect pitch

Notes and measures played on queue

All in praise of their maestro, conductor, creator

The music of spring returns

Pulling on heartstrings


Good Morning

Clock radio sings me into consciousness

I slowly peel my eyes open and leave my dreams upon my pillow


Coffee maker brews hot Italian roasted coffee

I inhale its rich aroma and pour its elixir in a swirl of just enough cream


Little robin red breast breaks the silence of my morning quiet time

Reminding me there is work to do


off I go







Two haggard men

Bent backs and stubbled chins

Shuffle down the sidewalk

Intent in conversation


And I wonder

What are they talking about?

How cold it was sleeping outside last night?

How good that coffee was at the free coffee stand they just passed?

How they are tired of the rain?

A cough or aching joints?


Two preteen girls

One swaying with her right arm around the branch of a full-bloom cherry tree

Far from the others on the playground

Giggling as they converse


And I wonder

What are they chatting about

The latest phone app?

Their math homework assignment?

The cute boy over there?

The kid who eats lunch alone and picks fights?


Two men at a cafe table

Dressed in business casual

Hair neatly trimmed as they dine on fresh fish

Speaking loudly as one monologues about Work and stress and traffic and commuting

Then family and faith and procuring an analyst for an open position.

Selling a house and amused the owner of the new house wanted to keep the bird bath


And I wonder

What’s the other guy thinking?

The stock market has been good?

Business has been booming?

New grand baby on the way?

Or maybe awaiting the results of a medical test he had done yesterday?


So many conversations

Surround us all


Happy news







Tune in


Share a burden

Rejoice with success


Life is all the same no matter the conversation


Life is hard and good and unpredictable and beautiful

