Sense of Spring

Spring sees the snow capped mountains distant to the sea

Spring looks like a beautiful gown of yellow buds on bright green leaves in deeply furrowed fields of daffodils

Spring smells like fresh mowed grass and salty air

Spring inhales the freshness of the breeze on her puffy clouds

Spring tastes like honey and nectar filled blooms

Spring licks her lips covered in pollen and smiles

Spring touches the imagination with a twist of longing for long lazy days ahead

Spring feels like a fever waiting to break —warmth mixed with chilly bursts and sweet relief

Spring hears giggling gulls and high pitched squeals of children

Spring listens to winter as he hangs his head in regret, sensing his remorse that it couldn’t go on longer as he marches off into the horizon.



Spring blew a kiss into the sky

Winter caught it in her winds and blustered

Spring sprinkled warm sunlight everywhere

Winter tried to hide it with her puffed up clouds

Spring poured sweet perfumes of fresh cut grass and daffodil blooms across the valley

Winter inhaled and sneezed a cold breeze across her snow drenched mountain tops

Spring presses hard against winter’s intensity

Winter presses back to remind spring it’s not her time

Not quite

But soon


Sunrise Artist

With the sky as his canvas

He holds a palette of light and moist vapors in the crook of his right elbow

He uses his breath to pour out subtle hues on the edges of clouds formed by his left hand

He strokes the sun to ever so slowly lift its light and he calls forth the morning

He stands back and admires his handiwork and lets it slowly transform

He adds shimmering tones of violet and lavender in multiple layers then sprinkles it all with the golden light that pours from his puddle of sunshine

He swirls a finger through his masterpiece to scatter clouds across the eastern horizon

And touches the tips of the mountain range with sparkles of gold and silver

He blows a gentle breeze across the pristine blue water that pours from his artist’s enormous brush to become the rippled bay of sapphire

He fingerpaints the distant islands into the edge of the vastness of the sea

Smudged outlines far in the western sky

He tips his head back and lets a delighted laugh fill the sky with birds then turns his head to see the perfect spot for his deep pink and purple crocus to be placed among the flowerbeds waiting to be awakened at the sound of the artist’s voice

He paints with wild abandon in every shade and tone and hue

His heart pours its fullness into details unseen by anyone but him

He sets his palette aside to admire his creation

And submits another sunrise to the gallery of eternal mornings, pleased at his handiwork

He sighs and starts planning for a brand new sunset


Harbor Life

Boats, yachts, Fishing vessels and sailboats

An array of dreamy Names painted in various script

Starlight, Ocean Hunter, Desire, Yvonne and so many others on the bow or stern announcing the clever and thoughtful uniqueness of its owner or captain

Swaying chains and rolls of nets

Piles of well- used crab pots and knotted ropes in blue and yellow

Twisted amongst rusted links of anchors and chains

Wafting breezes carry salty fragrances across the rippled tide where crying gulls bounce on gentle waves then rise suddenly to soar into the gray winter sky

Chaotic and peaceful with a beautiful rhythm that calms the spirit of those on shore watching harbor life


Spring Marching In

Spring marching into a warm afternoon announcing her intentions to stay awhile

Hysterical seagulls chuckling and chortling as thy swoop in with a colorful kite circling above

Giggling children squealing in high pitched voices chasing one another through the park and sliding down for the hundredth time

The warmth of the sun mixing with the coolness of a gentle breeze spreading over the placid salty bay ripples

Weightless puffs of white clouds lingering at the horizon and just over the tips of snow capped peaks giving the illusion of warmer days of springtime

Barren trees etching the blue topaz sky with hands raised high applauding a winning round for spring

Full yellow moon rising in celebration of Spring’s parade


Let spring win

Lapping waves splash playfully against the sides of boats in the harbor. Gently swaying in the constant current.

Flapping wings of a manic duck skipping over the gentle ripples

Seagulls in tandem catching wind currents up then down then up again soaring and swooping as they chuckle to each other

Islands outlined in misty thin layers of low hanging clouds in an otherwise pale blue winter sky. Frosted hilltops surround the bay in tantalizing crisp white layers

Hazy Sunlight filters as the horizon pulls the yellow ball ever toward the edge of the sea and the days lengthen almost imperceptibly a minute at a time

Frosted morning now forgotten as winter pulls hearts toward spring.


Seasonal Nursery Rhyme

Ring around a rosy moon

Pockets full of mittened hands

Twilight sky in hues of blackened blues

Cold breath creating vapor clouds that drift in the crisp breeze, freezing tear-cicles in my eyes

Twinkles of little starlight dance amongst the parted skies revealing remnants of snowmen fading into lawns surrounded by buds longing to burst into daffodils

Cautious steps on hail slickened sidewalks tiptoe near the tulips emerging beneath the frozen soil

Spring continues to promise a glorious arrival if only winter would surrender its icy hold


Gold Medal Winter

Granite clouds drip golden honey sunbeams

Sagging barn window fills with with liquid golden sunlight

Slate islands form puzzle pieces on the horizon edged in golden ripples

Bare poplar giants reach into the golden light as brisk winds blow across fields of untouched, pristine snow reflecting golden shimmers

Winter pours out her heart in aching beauty and awards herself the gold medal in sunsets.


Mid February Beauty

Richness of crystal blue sky

Paled by feathered clouds

Hazy across gray blue olympics layered behind islands of the San Juan’s

Subtle ripples form in the stillness of placid salt water bay

Interrupted by coast guard waves and frigid breezes wafting crisp refreshment

Tentative sea gulls edging closer to people who may throw a scrap of bread and create a cacophony of mournful screams of delight

Mid February Beauty


Seasons Battle

Mid February battle of seasons

Winter blanket covering spring’s hopes

Bitter wind blasting early buds

Daffodils and tulips and cherry blossoms wishing they could retreat

Storybook clouds racing across brilliant blue skies

Score one for winter
