
Grief and loss tired

So tired

Weary to the bone

Heavily burdened

Heavy hearted

Thoughts scattered

Forget to breathe

Worn out fatigue

Insomnia tired


Healthy tired

Worked hard

Worked out

Exhilaration subsiding tired

Muscles tight and sore

Sleep deep and restored

Sleepy tired

Too much food tired

Heavy eyelids

Foggy brain

Need a nap tired


Sandman take me away tired

Heavy eyelids

Fighting for one more moment of wakefulness

Fluttering into dreamland


““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.””

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭33:14‬


Waiting For Sanity



Voices — strained to cheery

Rolling wheels — gurney, wheelchair

Doors open then close then open again

Medicinal soap

A peanut on the floor under the brochure table

Brochures about heart attack, stroke, visitor guidelines, a brief guide to involuntary hospitalization, AA


People coming and going, some hurried and frazzled. Others dragging and hurting

Meeting lawyers and doctors and liasons.

Sheriff deputies with cuffs and chains moving one patient back to inmate status.

Kindness and worry

Dread and prayer

Waves of angst and love and tears

Released girl dumps grandma who just drove 20 miles to pick her up— “I can walk” hahaha … the madness continues.

Walking outside to accompany those held against their will, a tall beautiful kind lady goes in and out the clicks and beeps to free another man or group for a few minutes of fresh air before they return to the dry indoor recirculated hospital air that carries voices and emotions and smells and germs,

Death and life roam the hallways deciding who stays and who goes.

A mom sits on the hard chair waiting to be called to the hearing designed to decide the near future of her most beloved baby, a man gone mad. Listening and waiting, pausing and anticipating.

Tissues wait to be filled with tears and a scrap of paper filled with snippets of phrases describing insanity and loss and pain and events that have led to this moment he will see as betrayal while she sees hope and help and healing.

Clarity. Future. Sanity.


Morning Visitors 

Cool morning breeze lifts the wings of a solitary hawk. On the hunt he flies and suddenly rolls to his left then upright again then rolls left once more as he calls out to his prey and disappears into the horizon never to return. 
Hummingbird flits from branch to branch calling out to his friends who return his chortling, suddenly taking flight to race across the morning sky together and disappear into the horizon only to return. 
Blue jay takes flight from unseen places and appears upon the fence post in complete silence. He hops along the fence until he disappears never to return. 

Seascape Sky

Foamy waves of rolling white billowing clouds tossed by the wind in the endlessly deep ocean sky.  

Fauna and flora rise up beneath the overhead seascape sky creating a forest of abundant lush vegetation teeming with innumerable creatures who fly above rather than swim below. 
The seascape sky is filled with voices of dolphins disguised as hummingbirds, clicking and trilling and singing their giddy songs, dipping and swimming through the vast blue ocean sky. 

Sunset Soup 

Pink tinged curdled clouds pour across the clear blue summer evening. Bright yellow orange yolk of sunshine slips slowly into the salty cauldron of the sea. 
Heavy sultry evening slowly cooled by breezes blowing across the bay as another hot dry summer day puts on a sunset show. 

If Nature Was A Woman

If nature was a woman she would wear a shiny sapphire gown drenched in glittery diamonds and edged in bright white lacy ruffles. She would be accessorized by the smoothness of rippled sandy shoes and innumerable stones. Her hair would be white and puffy and always changing directions and textures. Her fragrance would waft with lilies and roses mixed with salty air. She would be exquisite and strong and unmatched in beauty and strength. 
If nature was a man he would wear deep emerald shirts with rough brown jeans. His feet would be adorned with stumps and fireweed. His hair would be windblown gray and streaked with sunlight.  His fragrance would be wafts of cedar and pine and fresh soil.  He would be steady and strong and majestic.
If nature were a child it would wear a whimsical rainbow array of colors and patterns of iris and hydrangea and petunias and gladioli and covered in polka dots and stripes. It’s hair would be of wispy fuzzy feathers.   Its fragrance would waft of sweetpeas and lilacs. It would dance freely and whirl and twirl at the sight of the sapphire dressed lady and the emerald dressed man and they would all lift their hands in abundant joy of praise to the creator of such splendor.

Birds and Bees

Sapphire dragon flies join the dance of the hummingbirds quickly turning and twirling and kissing the flowers. 
Intoxicating sweet lavender and crocosmia nectar on their tongues allows an uninhibited show of delightful flight. 
Hovering  overhead in a call for attention to their impassioned dance through the trees and flowers and into the clear blue abyss of morning. 
Frenetic honeybees race from bud to bud as half moon rises high in the endless summer sky. 
Streaks of golden sunset clouds run parallel with the horizon.
 The heat of July’s farewell tribute subsides into a still coolness providing relief from the coming heatwave of August. 
The hummingbirds put on their final act of the day scolding one another for taking center stage as one then two then three chase each other into the end of another beautiful day. 

Breathtaking Majesty

Pristine mountaintops covered in brightest white reflecting perfectly in a deep blue lake. 
Emerald and jade forests surrounding crystal clear veins of glacial waterfalls. Hovering bees and tiny birds enjoy the view over the maze of trails. 
A dusty road leads to a high precipice. Still deep pure glacier water hesitates slightly, pausing before becoming torrential rushing waters crashing far below on its constant pull toward the sea.